Hello and welcome to this cozy corner of the Internet. I’m Dr. FIREfly, a Canadian early-career physician with an interest in personal finance, medicine, and philosophy of life.
Recent Posts

A year and a half between posts is a long time. It started with trying to return my writing focus to fiction after a long

Reviewing the first year of staff life…well, first year and then some, because things got busy 🙂

Reflections on how the first three months of being a fully fledged physician have been. And the unexpected surprises.

In which we discuss Financial Independence, Retire Early – or FIRE, for short

When will you know if you’re financially independent? In which we explore different definitions and some quick formulas to help along the way.

What do YOLO and FOMO have to do with financial independence? Lots, actually!
The New Way
There is another life outside of the “9-5 and retire at 65”. If you are curious, come join me in the journey and find your way to a life in line with your dreams.