Hello and welcome to this cozy corner of the Internet. 

I’m a Canadian early career physician with an interest in finance and philosophy of life. This blog was born mid-residency, and continues to trundle along as I enter into staffhood.

This place is a home to some of my musings and advice that I would proffer to my younger self. As this is not possible by limitations of physics, I offer these thoughts to you!

Why Blog About It?

This is a place dedicated to all the physicians and physicians to be. The ones struggling to get into medical school, the bright eyed medical students in their first and second years, the residency-focused medical students in their final years, the nervous and excited new resident physicians, the calmer yet still excited senior residents, the brand new early career physicians, all the way through to the physicians contemplating retirement.

This is a place dedicated to those who are curious about medicine, and perhaps the financial lives of doctors. To those who may have a physician in their lives and/or in their hearts.

Hello, I’m Dr. FIREfly. I am a Canadian early career physician. I started this blog in my senior years of training. I am lucky enough to actually love my work, and yet still feel the strong pull of the FIRE movement (RE optional for me). For those of you who new to this acronym, it stands for Financial Independence Retire Early.

  • Financial Independence: the ability to stop working and still have enough money to live on comfortably given your current lifestyle.

  • Retire Early: self explanatory…except we are talking about retiring way before 65. Earliest seems to be in their 30s. A fair number in the community are reaching the milestone in their 40s. That is amazing. 

So why bother with the FIRE movement if one loves their job?

Reaching Financial Independence gives you choice. In this day and age, we are almost overwhelmed with choice in every single product or service you can think of. But not as much choice with how we able to allocate these few breaths on earth that will be our lives. How many “unrealistic” childhood or early life dreams were laid aside in the face of the concrete reality of needing to make money? Or experiences pushed aside to “when I have more time” or maybe “when I retire”?

My personal motto – Live with No Regrets. FI can help do that. The RE part – we’ll see. I’d like to invite you to join in on my financial and medical career journey, and find out where this FIREfly’s path goes!